Susan Ketchin was an author, editor, and educator. The Susan Ketchin Papers contain correspondence, manuscripts of her writings and the writings of others, reviews, publications, printed matter, teaching materials, and other papers relating principally to her work with the , , the , and the Duke Young Writers Camp. Some papers also concern free-lance work. Access to the Roper, Benson, and August House papers is restricted. One large group of materials was generated in the process of producing and writing . These materials include research files, audio tapes of interviews with authors featured in the book (Doris Betts, Randall Kenan, Allan Gurganus, Lee Smith, Larry Brown, Sheila Bosworth, and others), and typescripts. Other authors represented in the papers but whose interview tapes are not present are Reynolds Price and Clyde Edgerton. A video featuring Lee Smith is also included. St. Andrews Review Southern Exposure Algonquin Press The Christ-Haunted Landscape: Faith and Doubt in Southern Fiction